Sunday, February 13, 2011

Allez Cuisine!

Ever since my husband, Chris, graduated from culinary school a few years ago, I’ve had an increasing interest in cooking (especially baking!) and my taste palate has widely expanded. I’ve been spending more time in the kitchen recently and have begun to develop a small collection of favorite recipes. My favorite still has to be desserts – my sweet tooth is relentless! I’ve had a few requests from friends for some recipes and I’d like to put some of my ideas out there for others’ opinions, hence the development of a food blog. Here I plan on posting my creations and their recipes, along with my opinions on how they turn out and what I want to try next. Additionally, I’ll probably have a few posts on yummy food we’ve had at other restaurants.
I used to think of food as just an essential requirement to survive – my attitude on that has completely changed. Food is now becoming an art for me and, despite the extra pounds that have been added on this quest, I have admittedly become a “foodie" (Chris is thrilled by this). I now watch Food Network a lot, search recipes on the internet, and think about food all the time. So come back to check on my ongoing endeavors in the kitchen - I welcome your feedback and with as much baking as I want to do, be aware that if you live near me you'll be made to eat some!

1 comment:

  1. Jessica cooked me a wonderful Valentine's Day dinner of chicken cordon bleu with a white wine reduction cream sauce, a dirty mushroom rice, and some garlic parmesan asparagus. She has gone from a contender for Worst Cooks in America on food network to WOW! Keep up the good work babe.
