Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Fun-Fetti Cake Balls!

There are lots of dessert-worthy events in the months of April through July: my parent's anniversary, my  birthday, mother's day, Memorial day, mom's birthday, father's day, our anniversary, dad's birthday, 4th of July, Chris's birthday... And so despite me trying to lose the 6 pounds I've put on since living at home, I had to make mom some Birthday Cake Balls.

Make a box mix of confetti cake then, once cooled, crumble up into fine multi-colored crumbs. Then, stir in most of a can of funfetti frosting to make a "glue" for the cake crumbs. Once it's a nice doughy consistency, stick in the fridge overnight. The next evening, make the dough into balls, about ping-pong sized, then stick them in the freezer for awhile.

In the meantime, melt down the candy coating - this time I used 3/4 package white vanilla candy coating and 3/4 bag white chocolate chips. And (another benefit of living at my parents' house) is that I had a real double-boiler to use, which was very handy.

Take only 4-6 balls out of the freezer at a time because you don't want them to get too warm. This is something I learned since my last cake ball attempt, and it worked much better. I thought I'd try to cake pops this time and found some skewers in a random drawer. Stick a skewer in the ball, then dip it in the melted coating. Another benefit of the sticks is that I could let the excess drip off and get a more even coating than just dipping with a spoon. Set on wax paper to cool, adding sprinkles if you'd like before the coating hardens.

Bite-sized yumminess! And happy birthday mommy!!!

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